University Jobs

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University Assistant Predoctoral, Law  

UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA - Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Austria

The employment duration is 3 years. Initially limited to 1.5 years, the employment relationship is automatically extended to 3 years if the employer does not terminate it within the first 12 months by... The basic salary of EUR 3.714,80

von: - Vor mehr als 30 Tagen

University Assistant postdoctoral  

Universität Wien - Wien, AT

Find out more about us: Instagram Your personal sphere of play: As a university assistant postdoc, you will join the research...

von: - Gestern

University assistant predoctoral  

Universität Wien - Wien, AT

Salary Scheme: Equal opportunities for all: We welcome every additional/new personality to the team! It is that easy to apply: With...

von: - Gestern

University Assistant Prae Doc, Business, Economics and Statistics  

UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA - Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Austria

The contract duration is 3 years with a preliminary limitation of 1.5 years and will automatically be extended to 3 years unless the employer hands in a non-extension declaration after 12 months. An extension... The basic salary of EUR 3.714,80

von: - Vor 29 Tagen

University assistant predoctoral  

Universität Wien - Wien, AT

Your future tasks: Active participation in research, teaching & administration, which means: Collaboration and research in the field of machine learning: o Development of own solutions as part of the research...

von: - Vor 5 Tagen

University Assistant Prae-Doc (all genders)  

Technische Universität Wien - Wien, AT

TU-ID: 104 | 2025 | 14 | 249947 University Assistant Prae-Doc (all genders) 30 hours/week | limited to 4 years TU Wien is Austria's largest institution of research and higher education in the fields of...

von: - Vor 4 Tagen

University Assistant Predoctoral, Law  

UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA - Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Austria

Explore and teach at the University of Vienna, where more than 7,500 academics thrive on curiosity in continuous exploration and help us better understand our world. Does this sound like you? Then join... The basic salary of EUR 2.786,10

von: - Vor mehr als 30 Tagen

University assistant predoctoral  

Universität Wien - Wien, AT

Assaf Pinkus, you will be part of the research project “The Dynamics of Change: The Sculptural Oeuvre of St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna.” St. Stephen’s Cathedral houses one of the most extraordinary...

von: - Vor 8 Tagen

University Assistant postdoctoral  

Universität Wien - Wien, AT

The Medieval Art team benefits from interdisciplinary exchange with colleagues in the Department specializing in Byzantine, Islamic, and East Asian art history, as well as with scholars in the Faculty...

von: - Vor 8 Tagen

University Assistant Predoctoral, Law  

UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA - Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Austria

More than 7,500 academics at the University of Vienna thrive on continuous exploration and curiosity and help us better understand our world. Does this sound like you? Then join our accomplished team! The basic salary of EUR 3.714,80

von: - Vor mehr als 30 Tagen

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