University Physics Jobs

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University Assistant Predoctoral, Physics  

UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA - Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Austria

The University of Vienna has an anti-discriminatory employment policy and attaches great importance to equal opportunities, the and . We lay special emphasis on increasing the number of women in senior... The basic salary of EUR 2.786,10

von: - Vor 3 Tagen

Doctoral Thesis: Skyrmionics - Low power neuromorphic computing & sensing (f/m/div)  

Infineon Technologies AG - Villach, AT

Employment and Secondment: The selected DC will be enrolled as Ph.D. student at Physics Department of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and will be employed by Infineon Technologies Austria AG (IFAT)...

von: (+2 Quellen) - Vor 8 Tagen

Internship Geospatial Visualisation & Data Fusion Development  

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH - Wien

* Under the guidance of our interdisciplinary team, you will develop a visualisation tool for the in-house Multimodal Fusion Architecture for Sensor Applications (MuFASA) for the purpose of geospatial...

von: (+1 Quelle) - Vor 2 Tagen

Postdoc Position (f/m/x) - SMI  

Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften - Wien, AT

Your Tasks: You will participate in running atomic beam experiments at CERN and SMI and build up and execute new ex- periments at SMI, together with a group of graduate students and senior colleagues currently...

von: - Vor 29 Tagen

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University Physics