University Assistant Research Jobs

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University assistant predoctoral  

Universität Wien - Wien, AT

Initially limited to 1.5 years, the employment relationship is automatically extended to 4 years if the employer does not terminate it within the first 12 months by submitting a non-extension declaration...

von: - Vor 6 Tagen

University assistant predoctoral  

Universität Wien - Wien, AT

Initially limited to 1.5 years, the employment relationship is automatically extended to 3 years if the employer does not terminate it within the first 12 months by submitting a declaration of non-extension...

von: - Vor 2 Tagen

University Assistant Predoctoral at the RG Neuroinformatics (NI)  

UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA - Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Austria

The research group Neuroinformatics develops machine learning methods to study the relation of neural activity and cognitive processes, and translates insights into clinical applications in patient populations... The basic salary of EUR 3,714,80

von: - Gestern

University Assistant postdoctoral  

Universität Wien - Wien, AT

Assaf Pinkus, you will be part of his current project, Measuring the World: The Scaling Revolution, 1250–1400 (SCALER). This interdisciplinary research examines the artistic, technological, cultural, and...

von: - Vor 2 Tagen

University assistant predoctoral  

Universität Wien - Wien, AT

In addition to your independent research, you will take on tasks such as independent and supportive teaching of courses and examinations and supervision of students as well as support in research, organizational...

von: - Vor 6 Tagen

University Assistant Predoctoral, Law  

UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA - Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Austria

As a university assistant prae doc, you will complete the research team around Prof. Magdalena Pöschl and you will take over tasks like eg participation in teaching as well as in research and publication... The basic salary of EUR 3,714,80

von: - Vor 7 Tagen

University assistant predoctoral  

Universität Wien - Wien, AT

Initally limited to 1.5 years, the employment relationship is automatically extended to 4 years if the employer does not terminate it witihin the first 12 months by submitting a non-extension declaration...

von: - Vor 6 Tagen

University assistant predoctoral  

Universität Wien - Wien, AT

The position is advertised for 4 years, whereby the employment relationship is initially limited to 1.5 years and is automatically extended to a total of 4 years, unless the employer submits a declaration...

von: - Vor 6 Tagen

University Assistant Predoctoral, Law  

UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA - Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Austria

As a university assistant prae doc you will be part of the team of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Harald Eberhard and take on tasks such as active participation in teaching as well as in research and publication projects... The basic salary of EUR 3578,80

von: - Vor 7 Tagen

University assistant predoctoral  

Universität Wien - Wien, AT

The Centre's Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science assembles an international, ambitious and committed team and offers an interdisciplinary scientific environment, cutting-edge laboratories...

von: - Vor 6 Tagen

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