Teaching Jobs

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University Assistant Predoctoral, Historical and Cultural Studies  

UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA - Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Austria

As a university assistant prae doc at the Deapartment of Contemporary History , you will be involved in research and teaching in the working area of the professorship “Austrian Contemporary History since... EUR 3,714.80

von: timeshighereducation.com - Vor 4 Tagen

University Assistant Predoctoral, Physics  

UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA - Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Austria

Explore and teach at the University of Vienna, where more than 7,500 academics thrive on curiosity in continuous exploration and help us better understand our world. Does this sound like you? Then join... The basic salary of EUR 2.786,10

von: timeshighereducation.com - Vor 4 Tagen

2 Student Employees (all genders)  

Technische Universität Wien - Wien, AT

With over 26,000 students and more than 4000 scientists, research, teaching, and learning dedicated to the advancement of science and technology have been conducted here for more than 200 years, guided...

von: wienerjobs.at - Vor 9 Tagen

University Assistant Predoctoral, Chemistry  

UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA - Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Austria

Explore and teach at the University of Vienna, where over 7,500 brilliant minds have found a unique balance of freedom and support. Join us if you’re passionate about groundbreaking international research... The basic salary of EUR 3,714,80

von: timeshighereducation.com - Vor 5 Tagen

University Assistant Predoctoral, Chemistry  

UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA - Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Austria

Among the many reasons to research and teach at the University of Vienna, there is one in particular, which has convinced around 7,500 academic staff members so far. They see themselves as personalities... The basic salary of EUR 3.578,80

von: timeshighereducation.com - Vor 5 Tagen

University assistant predoctoral 1  

Universität Wien - Wien, AT

We are looking for a/an University assistant predoctoral 1 52 Faculty of Chemistry Job vacancy starting: 03/17/2025 | Working hours: 30,00 | Classification CBA: §48 VwGr. B1 Grundstufe (praedoc) Limited...

von: wienerjobs.at - Vor 10 Tagen

University Assistant Predoctoral, Psychology  

UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA - Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Austria

Together with the research group, you will take part in research in the field of trauma and psychological adjustment to adversities (e.g. COVID-19 pandemic, childhood trauma). The Psychotraumatology Group... The basic salary of EUR 3,714,80

von: timeshighereducation.com - Vor 6 Tagen

University Assistant Postdoctoral, Computer Science  

UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA - Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Austria

Among the many reasons to research and teach at the University of Vienna there is one in particular, which has convinced around 7,500 academic staff members so far. They see themselves as personalities... The basic salary of € 4.932,90

von: timeshighereducation.com - Vor 6 Tagen

Einstiegsmöglichkeit für Berufserfahrene: Lehre im Bereich BWL & E-Learning (m/w/d)  

FHWien der WKW - Wien

Sie sind unsere kreative und engagierte Schnittstelle, die Lehrende und Studierende in der hybriden Wissensvermittlung unterstützt. Bringen Sie Ihre Innovationskraft ein und gestalten Sie die Zukunft der...

von: Karriere.at - Vor 13 Tagen

University Assistant Postdoctoral, Catholic Theology  

UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA - Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Austria

Explore and teach at the University of Vienna, where over 7,500 brilliant minds have found a unique balance of freedom and support. Join us if you’re passionate about groundbreaking international research... The basic salary of EUR 4,932,90

von: timeshighereducation.com - Vor 6 Tagen

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