Qualified Person Jobs

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Junior-Controller:in Im Referat Personalkostencontrolling, KLR, Reporting, Fachbereich Strategisches Reporting in Innsbruck  


With us, you can expect exciting tasks, flexible working hours, a family-friendly working environment, attractive training and development opportunities, a paid lunch break, a meal allowance and much more...

von: studentjob.at - Vor 8 Tagen

Senior Scientist (Doctorate/PhD) in Innsbruck  


With us, you can expect exciting tasks, flexible working hours, a family-friendly working environment, attractive training and development opportunities, a paid lunch break, a meal allowance and much more...

von: studentjob.at - Vor 9 Tagen

Senior Scientist (Doctorate/PhD) in Innsbruck  


With us, you can expect exciting tasks, flexible working hours, a family-friendly working environment, attractive training and development opportunities, a paid lunch break, a meal allowance and much more...

von: studentjob.at - Vor 17 Tagen

University Assistant (PhD Position) in Innsbruck  


With us, you can expect exciting tasks, flexible working hours, a family-friendly working environment, attractive training and development opportunities, a paid lunch break, a meal allowance and much more...

von: studentjob.at - Vor 28 Tagen

Mitarbeiter:in Der Datenschutzkoordination (substitute Employee) in Innsbruck  


With us, you can expect exciting tasks, flexible working hours, a family-friendly working environment, attractive training and development opportunities, a paid lunch break, a meal allowance and much more...

von: studentjob.at - Vor 28 Tagen

Sachbearbeiter:in Zulassungsverwaltung (substitute Employee) in Innsbruck  


English language skills at level B2, German language skills at level C1; excellent IT skills (MS-Office) and excellent knowledge of VIS:online programmes in the area of student administration as well as...

von: studentjob.at - Vor 28 Tagen

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