Project Leader Associate Jobs

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Analytical Project Lead - Associate Director  

Schaftenau, Tirol, Austria

Leading and coordinating timely delivery of high quality source documents for submission, review of regulatory documents (e.g. CMC modules, briefing books) and interactions with Health Authorities in audits...

von: - Vor 7 Tagen

Associate Technical Project Leader f/m/d  

Schaftenau, Tirol, Austria

Lead the establishment of a scientifically & regulatory sound and business driven CMC project strategy including risk assessments and contingency planning, in line with overall global development project...

von: - Vor 7 Tagen

Associate Director Analytical Operations / Head External Analytical Organization (f/m/d)  


Develop and drive long term line unit strategies to enhance strategic partnering scalability, speed and quality. Lead and manage project/network activities, leveraging scientific, technical, good manufacturing...

von: - Vor mehr als 30 Tagen

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