English Jobs

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University Assistant Predoctoral, Historical and Cultural Studies  

UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA - Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Austria

Working on and completing a doctoral dissertation on a topic related to the thematic focus of the professorship (if not already done, you will have to complete a dissertation agreement within 12 to 18... EUR 3,714.80

von: timeshighereducation.com - Vor 2 Tagen

University Assistant Predoctoral, Physics  

UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA - Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Austria

The Isotope Physics group of the Faculty of Physics at the University of Vienna invites applications for the position of a University Assistant (praedoc / PhD student). The group pursues fundamental and... The basic salary of EUR 2.786,10

von: timeshighereducation.com - Vor 2 Tagen

Internship: Learning Support (all genders)  

Lam Research AG - Villach, AT

Lam is committed to and reaffirms support of equal opportunity in employment and non-discrimination in employment policies, practices and procedures on the basis of race, religious creed, color, national...

von: kaerntnerjobs.at - Vor 11 Tagen

University Assistant Predoctoral, Chemistry  

UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA - Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Austria

We invite applications for two PhD positions in the Institute of Materials Chemistry & Research, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Vienna, associated with the Green Cycles of Renewable Materials program... The basic salary of EUR 3,714,80

von: timeshighereducation.com - Vor 3 Tagen

University Assistant Predoctoral, Chemistry  

UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA - Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Austria

As a university assistant prae doc, you will complement the research team around Prof. Christopher Gerner´s working group at the Institute of Analytical Chemistry. The planned research project will focus... The basic salary of EUR 3.578,80

von: timeshighereducation.com - Vor 3 Tagen

Thesis - Machine Learning for the virtual testing of autonomous driving vehicles  

AVL List GmbH (Import) - Graz

Performance comparison of the Machine Learning methods developed at AVL Identification of the limitations of the Machine Learning methods developed at AVL Analysing the methods by using cognitive testing... 3500

von: derstandard.at - Vor 6 Tagen

University Assistant Predoctoral, Psychology  

UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA - Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Austria

For more information about the research interests of the Psychotraumatology Group, please see: https://klinische-gesundheit-psy.univie.ac.at/forschung/arbeitsbereiche-und-arbeitsgruppen/psychotraumatologie/... The basic salary of EUR 3,714,80

von: timeshighereducation.com - Vor 4 Tagen

University Assistant Postdoctoral, Computer Science  

UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA - Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Austria

The University of Vienna seeks to fill a position of a Post-Doctoral Researcher, for a period of up to 6 years, focusing on process mining. The selected Post-doc will become part of the Research Group... The basic salary of € 4.932,90

von: timeshighereducation.com - Vor 4 Tagen

University assistant predoctoral 1  

Universität Wien - Wien, AT

Maulide in the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Vienna is currently seeking a PhD student with research experience in organic chemistry and natural product synthesis for 4 years temporary employment...

von: wienerjobs.at - Vor 8 Tagen

University Assistant Postdoctoral, Catholic Theology  

UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA - Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Vienna (Landbezirke) (AT), Austria

The University of Vienna has an anti-discriminatory employment policy and attaches great importance to equal opportunities, the and . We lay special emphasis on increasing the number of women in senior... The basic salary of EUR 4,932,90

von: timeshighereducation.com - Vor 4 Tagen

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