Customer Sales Account F M D Jobs

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Account Manager - France (f/m/d)  

AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft - Leoben

AT&S is a leading global manufacturer of high-end IC substrates and printed circuit boards. AT&S industrializes leading-edge technologies for its core business segments Mobile Devices & Substrates, Automotive...

von: - Vor 12 Tagen

Sales Manager (m/w/d)  

Alba Industries GmbH - 942 01 Šurany, Slowakei

As an internationally active company with 3 locations and 200 employees, we offer \na stable and social working environment with attractive career opportunities.\n \n For our location in Surany (Slovakia)...

von: - Vor 16 Tagen

Account Manager - France (f/m/d)  

AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft - Leoben, AT

Be part of our team! AT&S is a leading global manufacturer of high-end IC substrates and printed circuit boards. AT&S industrializes leading-edge technologies for its core business segments Mobile Devices...

von: - Vor 19 Tagen

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